Case study 6

Bob and Rita Daniel’s residence, a charming older home with character, presented several electrical challenges due to its outdated switchboard. Concerned about the safety and efficiency of their electrical system, they reached out to O’Shea Electrical based in Hawthorn for advice and potential upgrades.

O’Shea Electrical sent Bailey, a qualified electrician, over for a consultation. A thorough inspection of the existing switchboard and electrical infrastructure was conducted to identify deficiencies, potential hazards, and areas for improvement.

The existing switchboard lacked modern safety features and capacity to accommodate the electrical demands of contemporary appliances and devices.

Because of the switchboard’s age, it required compliance with current electrical codes and regulations. Moreover, ensuring minimal disruption to the occupants during the upgrade process was crucial, given Bob and Rita Daniel’s priority to uphold comfort and convenience.

Bailey collaborated closely with Bob and Rita Daniel to understand their specific requirements, preferences, and budget constraints. A comprehensive upgrade plan was developed.

The Daniels concluded they wanted to get the electrical switchboard upgrade done for their safety and the safety of their home. The job was booked for the next day.

The electricians arrived punctually and installed a new, state-of-the-art switchboard equipped with advanced safety features such as circuit breakers, residual current devices (RCDs), and surge protection. The switchboard was designed to accommodate future expansion and technological advancements.

Thorough testing and inspection were carried out to ensure the upgraded electrical system’s functionality and compliance with relevant standards and regulations. The installation of modern safety features significantly reduced the risk of electrical hazards, providing peace of mind to the Daniels.

The switchboard upgrade ensured compliance with current electrical regulations, mitigating potential liabilities associated with outdated infrastructure.

By entrusting O’Shea Electrical with their switchboard upgrade, Bob and Rita Daniel benefited from a tailored solution that addressed the specific needs and challenges of their older home. The successful completion of the upgrade not only enhanced the safety and efficiency of their electrical system but also provided long-term value and peace of mind.

Thank you for choosing O’Shea Electrical.
For all your electrical requirements, contact the Hawthorn O’Shea electrical office on (03) 9900 1010.
